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Services that we provide:


Something that can prove very useful for clients, either as a first step, or as a stand-alone , is a site consultation. I will come to your garden, we will look round together, you can tell me about any problem areas, any thoughts for changes or future use that you already have, and I will then advice you, either immediately, or in a written report, of my observations.


This can then be followed up by a site survey, if needed. This is where I will identify any trees or major shrubs and measure the site to create a drawing as a basis for future design work. As part of the survey I will also make a


site analysis, to identify the leading characteristics of your garden, and help decide the best way to organise the space for your intended use.


The next step is a set of sketches – in plan, elevation and/ or perspective, to convey my ideas for your garden, based on our discussions. I put as much flair and colour in as possible, for it to come to life!


When we have agreed on a design, I will draw a detailed plan. I will also produce a setting-out plan with measurements, detail drawings for special features, and planting schemes, plant lists and specifications.


 Depending on the scale of your project, these can be more or less detailed, as I can often save you time and money by using my knowledge to create an interesting and site-specific planting without drawing every plant in detail.

I am able to put you in touch with landscapers who I know and trust, or I am very happy to work with a firm that you choose. A larger, more complex design may need sending out to tender. I am very well placed to handle the tender process and advice you when choosing the landscaping firm.


Should you require it, I can create a maintainance schedule and carry out regular site visits, to monitor your garden’s progress. I am happy to meet with, and advice any garden staff that you employ, or to help you find a gardener.